The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:1-3 KJV)
The word shepherd and shepherding is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. David referred to God as his ‘Lord’ and ‘shepherd’, he was referring to God’s Sovereignty and his caring nature. David who was a shepherd boy in his youth, knew extensively the requirements and responsibilities of a shepherd. He knew that a shepherd was to led his sheep to pasture and water (Psalm 23:1), protect them from wild animals (1 Samuel 17:34-35), guard his flocks at night whether in the open (Luke 2:8) or in the sheepfolds (Zephaniah 2:6) where they were counted as they entered (Jeremiah 33: 13), and take care of the sheep and carry the weak ones in their arms (Isaiah 40:11). During David’s life time, he has been through many difficult situation where he should have died; and he watched in amazement as his ‘Lord and shepherd’ delivered him.
We have the same assurance as David today in Christ Jesus. He is our shepherd who cares deeply and loves us unconditionally. His love goes beyond any other love that exist because no one can love us the way Jesus does. All of the requirements and responsibilities that a good shepherd possess, Jesus possess them all. He died on Calvary’s cross to free us from the plague of sin, in order that we will not be condemned. We should spend time mediating on the Word of God, it is our daily food that he has prepared for us.
God’s people often find themselves in need of spiritual refreshing. We are in a world that is full of evil. We get drained spiritually and in need of spiritual refreshment. Jesus is the only refreshing water which can fill our thirst, when we mediate and study his Word. When we study the Word we will see all of the promises that Christ made to us. These promises will refresh and sustained us daily. We should never allow anyone to condemned us or push past sins in our face that Jesus has already forgiven. We are like sheep, and we do stray at times.
Jesus, who is the great Shepherd is there to forgive and restore us when we seek forgiveness. We should always keep in mind that we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus). There is safety, security, refreshment, forgiveness, renewal, restoration, direction, and guidance in Jesus. God loved us so much that he send his only Son into this evil world to died so that we may have eternal life. Think about it, “Who wouldn’t want to serve a God like this?” Only a foolish person.
Missionary Judith A. Gilzene Moodie
- Brand, Chad; Draper, Charles, and England, Archie. 2003. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville:TN, p. 1484
- Ellsworth, Roger. 2006. Opening Up Psalms. Day One Publications, Leominster:HR6 8NZ, p. 45-48